Top 10 The World's Best Trusted News Channel

The World's Best Trusted News Channel - BBC World

Is The Times of London the world's best-trusted news channel? Well, no, that is not the question. Rather, the question should be: Which news channel is THE BEST for the news that it covers. It seems to me that The Times of London has a bit too much bias and one-sided reporting for my taste.

The worlds best trusted news channel

Still, it is the newspaper, so it must be good, right? Nope. Take a look at what they are reporting, and you will see why it should not even be in the category of news media. It is an opinion piece masquerading as a news story written by David Barrow.

The Times of London

So, is The Times of London the world's best-trusted news channel? Nope. Take a look at what they are reporting, and you will see why it should not even be in the category of news media. It is an opinion piece masquerading as a news story written by David Barrow.


Now then, let's look at some other news stations that would probably be in this category. CBS and CNN seem to have done a pretty good job of covering the events in the Middle East with a bit more balanced than The Times of London. Fox News seems fairly balanced, although their reporting is not as far as I would like. CNBC is a rating buster, so you can forget about that.

If these were all the news stations covering the major events in the world, then who would be left? I thought we were past the days when a person could only turn on the TV, and that there was some kind of disc jockey in the house somewhere who was constantly playing the world news. Apparently not any longer. Today, almost every home has a TV. And, it is nearly impossible to get away from the constant coverage of some sort on some kind of cable network. So, now the question is, who would be left in the situation?

The New York Times

Well, one might say that the answer is The New York Times or at least part of The New York Times. They cover the events in the world, but the focus is clearly on the United States and the world political system, and the American People. A big portion of The New York Times content is geared toward the US, and the world community. So, if the goal is to try to keep up with the rest of the news, then the answer would definitely be, The Times of London.

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